“The Secret” is a New Age occulted teaching centered solely on the thought power of will, and how thought alone creates manifest reality of “your future self”, which of course, followers believe they will automatically be living; they think it, say it, believe it; “feel and know” it to be true.

Q is an internet based rumor mill claiming to be the source real-time intelligence on a ongoing war between evil interests, embodied by Obama , Biden, Hillary Clinton, and her side against Trump and his side. (Q “reports” for Trump’s side.) Q drops are long lists of code names and numbers with supposed “go signals”, and lists of people targeted, all as surmised by Q followers.

(Depending on the level of individual New Age teaching familiarity, numbers of Secret followers will involve the yellow light of “Lucifer’s intellect” in the process of directing thought alone and expecting results.)

Whenever Q drops are said to address real time actions, it is with wording something like:

“Erase (evil cabal’s) financial gains” then, Replace (good side’s) financial losses”; words to this effect were in a Q drop reporting on “the plan” to restore the economy post coronavirus.

-Right. Q followers repeat then rinse, posting pictures of Trump – worth hundreds of millions of dollars, and Putin (ex-KGB and reported to be the richest world leader in power today), never seeing a shred of proof that the same global corporatist agenda that made the European Union, is not going to make the same “Nation State Union” of the North American continent. The economic conditioning was set forth by NAFTA. Proponents of the New World Order have been saying it’s their plan openly since before Bush the 1st was in office. The plan includes doing the same thing for all the nations in “BRICS” – another NAFTA-like treaty governing valuations of currency by set obligations respective to trade balances between nations party to the treaty; BRICS is Brazil, Russia, India, South Africa.

Q has built into a spending cult spawning a sub-culture’s economy, giving followers reasons to buy merchandise or feed a sense of patriotic camaraderie, and it is all based on information that may as well be “Daily Affirmations” from New Age programs like the Secret; knowing that if “you think and feel it right”, then you will definitely “change the present to manifest the future. -There is nothing more to it than that. Good and evil are in constant conflict -it’s not a theory in dispute, and the Q operation, run on proxy servers, is not the answer; the definite source of valid information.

Psychological operations are started through fronts, and cutouts are usually used by intelligence agencies, the people they draw in to start the operation’s movement will be allured by the financial gain of “collecting donations”. With Q, global intelligence and corporatism capitalizing on the hope of the population by making up spews of lines and numbers without ever mentioning for example how many Satanists and Luciferians there are with power in Washington DC, is simple strategy, and it evolves (because it’s an OP) to fit the funded narrative. The results of it show in Antifa actions, among other things. (Antifa was started by the “Red Right Hand, English Royalty’s secret services and rumored forerunner to MI-6; Antifa could be behind Q.) The results of it are now in mainstream media (notice the end):


NBC News has found that the theory can be traced back to three people who sparked some of the first conversation about Qanon and, in doing so, attracted followers who they then asked to help fund Qanon “research.”

Qanon is a convoluted conspiracy theory with no apparent foundation in reality. The heart of it asserts that for the last year the anonymous “Q” has taken to the fringe internet message boards of 4chan and 8chan to leak intelligence about Trump’s top-secret war with a cabal of criminals run by politicians like Hillary Clinton and the Hollywood elite. There is no evidence for these claims.

In addition to peeking into the mainstream, the theory has been increasingly linked to real-world violence. In recent months, Qanon followers have allegedly been involved in a foiled presidential assassination plot, a devastating California wildfire, and an armed standoff with local law enforcement officers in Arizona.

From: https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/how-three-conspiracy-theorists-took-q-sparked-qanon-n900531

Q has never once addressed:

The Fed’s valuation of currency, and therefore control of world markets,;the fractional reserve currency valuation model is global, and has proven to create nation state-to nation state economic interdependence, making funding for a societal infrastructure in each nation dependent on funding available apart from national debt incurred as a matter of how much is traded at the national measure in set economic cycles, without regard for the living person.

Where’s the money for advances in education? Literally, tied up in payoffs -everyone needs a pad to the paycheck during lockdown. This is backed up by people with real belief in evil, people who live to see others suffer under their lack of professional, ethical regard -in the case of the medical, law enforcement, legal, and political professions, and this includes scenarios of health professionals of all types celebrating a patient’s death. (Evil is not seen for what it is in modern practice; it is highly evolved, it counts on begin discounted.)

Funding is always available from the budget for the one corporatist direction set, (after all they print the money and tell you what it’s worth globally), and with intelligence agencies in control of the media, serving as producers deciding “what makes the story on site”, making coordinated dance videos of medical staff instead of addressing:

The immune system. That’s it; that’s what they won’t address: Zinc fuels immune response, and Hydroxychloquine increases the immune system’s access to zinc. The immune system defeats for example, CORONAVIRUS.

-Where’s the VALUABLE Q INFORMATION on any of the above?

The machine marches on, with more braindead blue/red color sets falling into rank daily. The Q follower response:

“But animated portraits of Trump carrying babies and Hillary with Demon fangs in the sky prove Q’s real.” -Educated adults.

“Women in stars and stripes bikinis and MAGA hats prove Trump’s a good guy and Q has his back.” -The informed citizenry. IT’LL BE ON YOU IF THEY PULL THIS OFF.

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