

Introduction to blog, about 4 pages. Articles will be commentaries or creative presentations. First creative piece follows this post.

PREMISE: There is a difference between right and wrong; good and evil.

Simply stated and too rarely present, self-regulated actions demonstrating knowledge of the premise develop before they are explained. It is made clear in an infant’s cry:

A baby on the floor, happy to have just the bit of blue blanket its chomped onto in its mouth. A grown-up walks in and steals the blanket from the infant with a gentle tug, forcing the baby’s fingers open enough to take the blanket away. The baby cries, registering that it was acted against, proving evil exists.

-Being is universal, and it is bound to matter formulating along laws of physics few even think are there. Something makes us see, taste, feel, read, think, and it is of sovereign principle, plus to each person the world is only known subjectively by them alone. In terms of raw field presence, looking at the above scenario as one system of existence, in all its dynamics:

“Being of a baby” and “being of the adult”, with some odd line forever preserved between the being of either body and the physical matter of both, along with governing dynamics of all the matter of the surrounding -all accounted for. For the continuum of being in the system:

An infant lost to explain itself or the world in any intelligible way, because so much lies beyond its own mechanical grasp; its own body learned its parameters are finite – it learned it wasn’t its blanket – 8 weeks ago, then the adult, as drowned in the weight of the world as anyone (and apparently anti-baby) takes the blanket.

Being on the infant side of the spectrum reacted to show discomfort and unease. Being on the adult side acted for whatever reason; the reason cannot matter when the dynamic assessed is the field of the system itself. The baby’s crying demonstrates the physical fact of being recognizing a wrong.

There are two distinct paths for the baby as it develops into a full grown person. One imparts a spiritually sound ideal and the other is taught in general academic pursuits. Both paths are available to many, but no one is guaranteed exposure to both ways of framing the world in their developing years.


Readily apparent and sources of constant difficulty, spiritually sound ideals have been taught in ways according them conceptualizations fit for a devoted awareness, and because to know in faith is individual responsibility, when it comes to religion the inward, operational goal is to ensure faith will be found. The outward goal is to secure the process, and to ensure the “operational voice” religions present the world reflects the process they exist to secure, religion-specific sects were started. (Please see essay “Preface – Unifying Physics”, the first download after this article, if the idea of an Eastern Gnostic voice is foreign.)

Using the example of the Brahmin (Priestly) Caste of Ancient India, who were in charge of fire sacrifice to Brahman, Universal Consciousness of Existence, when the practice was aligned to the religion of the region:

Internally the Brahmin housed another sect, kept apart from the rest of the caste, the Upanishad, who were charged with practicing lived knowing. Ensuring the presence, voice and volition of their endeavors were aligned to Brahman, as it reflected a worthwhile path for Atman; Atman is the universal of all man, to which man aspires, and Brahman is the same thing for all of existence. The Upanishads were started to in a sense certify the actions of the Brahman caste as valid and therefore aligned to appropriate demonstrations of faith.

Eventually a process started that became fundamental to the founding of Buddhism- groups of Upanishads agreed: It is possible for anyone to accomplish the goal of their caste – of man first realizing Atman, then realizing Atman is Brahman (this equals “enlightenment”) – and it is not just accessed through what a priestly caste makes available. So they left. To clarify, in the lexicon of Hinduism, union is lived once a practitioner has realized Atman, the universal of man fully, then completely reconciled their being to Brahman, the universal consciousness of existence. Taking this process for its conceptual equivalences then making it personal practice, is the foundation of Buddhism.

How can a religion ensure its internal reason to exist is preserved? It can be stated that all acts of religious devotion provide physical record of how well faith is expressed, because it is the acts of followers that attest to faith; to God’s presence. Still, if not enough demonstration meets the outside world – where members are prone to be associated to the name of their religion – people become susceptible to expressing their ideas of faith with the actions of belief.

Remedying this and providing the checks and balances needed to matters so remotely captured, there are religion-specific bodies of Gnostics. Forever concerned with maintaining a useful union, the Gnostic internally sees the religion they represent as its tradition – not even their tradition, and it is understood that the word “religion” does not class a body of the faithful; it is only a marker for the external view of the total endeavor: To be in the right and acknowledge the wrong, until evil ends.

People with a needlessly intellectual or emotional approach to positions only formulated within the context of the spiritually sound ideal are completely at fault for the impression that any religion in its operational practice is indifferent to evil – or that any religion would ever place value in meditating oneself past the idea of dualities like good and evil. These sound like failures only Eastern tradition-leaning types of people would be prone to make, but in the Western traditions people have failed just as boldly; they live justifying their own personal moral stances over a universal ethic regularly.

In the tense of the Eastern traditions already discussed, people of the west are lost to what may be called the nether regions of Atman, and they will never find the universal of man in way that they can demonstrate in the world. The message would be the same were you to speak in Christian ideals; the issue is the personal failings people commit, not the lexicon that is used to frame the production of life in universal and grandiose terms.


Strange lines develop when a purely academic person is asked to explain the difference between right and wrong. Their views are built upon views, and they often specialize in exceedingly tedious classifications of reason for one side or the other, if the concept of sides even exists, they may say.

With the Gnostic Model, a process to ensure the perpetual, though never individually guaranteed success of the good is provided for within a framework of universal right and wrong communicated through spiritually sound ideals.

It is reasonable to expect a framework for universal checks and balances as they pertain to how knowledge is demonstrated, because institutions of education are responsible for preparing people to demonstrate knowledge. -To expect to uncover an academic equivalent to the role the Gnostic serves. If it is anything – reducing the entire mode of modern academic inquiry to centralizing a means to classify what is intelligent – the equivalent academia has to a Gnostic sect are its philosophers.

Philosophers and the thinkers of the world, for the most part are people who live to assert the ideals of intellect without stipulating a need for monetary consideration. However, the intelligence of the world as it is presented by academia as a whole, results from a global consortium of corporate, public, and private funding sources, so in effect even the most honest of intellectuals academia can produce have their worldviews shaped by what decides their school’s bottom line. It is institutional.

Example: US Colleges and Universities require attendance be weighed in the grading system to make students show up – if the schools want Government funding – though many young adults can ace most if not all of their courses with long study sessions, good notes, and sparse attendance. Their doing so demonstrates neurological development appropriate to their age; following the lecture is not needed for some courses after the mid-term, provided the responsible use of course materials – after the student’s position in the class is established – knowing this and using the strategy to possibly get through college faster is an adult choice college-aged brains benefit from when they make it correctly, and it should be rewarded. If you enroll but don’t attend then you fail, and honestly, the world is better for it. In the current state of affairs, with the policy of funding-dependent college attendance requirements over a decade old, the United States hosts a culture that believes that in order for no one to feel left out, everyone will have to be spoon-fed the same rewards.

Responsibly addressed and directly applied, these developments have been allowed to occur because of a lack of academic ethic. The problem was the guaranteed result because all progress academia has made thus far, has occurred without the establishment of a universally delineated line that sets right apart from wrong. The moral compass of the individual academic authority meets the personal moral compasses of other individual academic authorities, continually, and because the process of education adapts to climates that are outwardly forming – to the views of the individual students – general academia over time imparts shifting, even circumstance-specific moral codes to the population at large, but it does not demonstrate a universal ethic, because it can’t.

Secondary premise: This is existence. It is the claimed province of academia to know. In the tradition of academia the school of physics is held to account for the facts of the universe at its most base, and apparently, the operational voice used to represent the school of physics will openly admit:

“We do not know what sentience is. We do not account for the intent of sentient beings in our inquiry and, growing numbers among us are becoming convinced that nothing is physically real.”


Here’s a place to start with more commentaries: http://anewgnosis.com/2021/08/25/the-problem-of-negatives-physics-and-management-systems/

For creative presentations scroll down.

For free download of the 19 page essay that covers the message of this Gnostic Advance starting from a Western Gnostic voice:


The Petition

First in Picture-Story “Life and Death in the Valley of Dreams and Nightmares”
-It is still being {WRITTEN} – likely two more coming, the rest so far starts on the SECOND page here:
The Petition– Many people live their lives remaining ignorant of their inner processes.  Planning as best they can what they want from life and how best to go about achieving it, pursuing pleasures; happiness; and hoping to avoid pain. During prolonged tumultuous times, at the point of exasperation, when we just ‘can’t get things to go our way’, many of us look for solace outside ourselves. Such practices provide a type of comfort that is particularly strengthened in the company of others that seek the same comforts, often leading to a pattern of intermittently feeling redemption, relief and even peace. This can apply equally to the religiously devout and the drug and alcohol addict. Any person that can deal with challenging situations so long as they visit a certain location and attend a service often enough; or as long as they change their mental emotional processes by getting intoxicated, is not experiencing growth, they are choosing to avoid facing their own selves, turning instead to exterior aspects of the mundane world to fill inner contents they refuse to confront. This is a state of petition, a semi constant process of supplicating one’s self to forces, objects and ideologies that we hope will improve our lives.

Interdepartmental Academics – Overheard Exchange

“Turns out we did not need the knee high, or even thigh high socks – according their age to the responsive audience and calibrated selectively – we did not need the girls featured in the campaign to be nine, we did not need them in mini-skirts and a potentially fatal flaw was that they were all in schoolgirl uniforms, we did not need them in the aforementioned socks and matching dress flats, legs swinging off the edge of a dock, at the sea shore, early evening; sun lowering.”

“We needed the words of the argument.”

“God damned marketing.”


To consider the argument, start here: https://anewgnosis.com/2020/02/12/fundamental-failures-on-both-sides-a-global-critique/

Slogans for Eugenics – Notes from the Marketing Division

A people bred to track the sources of genius and structure where it can develop within them.

The science of proving that genius has no place in man’s sex drive.

The crossing where breeding looks and a blinding lack of intelligence into populations intersect.

Genetic matching, because the banks prefer to loan to the dumb.


Gnostics meditate a lot; they concentrate loads of intent into their vocation, and use the discipline that formed their work to prove truth. The thought experiment linked to at the end of the opening article here for all intents and purposes, founds the thinking of Academic Gnosis.

Please consider that reading the opening article and following the link after it, which is found by clicking ‘home’ at top, is its own entry into the call for Academic Gnosis. It is here added to information found at the thought experiment in particular, that truth can be determined by applying a numbers theory-based truth test. In numbers theory a one is a thing that exists and a zero defines no thing. Using this knowledge, backing it with an internal knowing of the unified field applied to true Gnostic discipline, over time, truth is known.

With this said, it is known that – let’s say, evil’s Austria – is the seat of all management for genetic matching principles, placing it above the modern state and ancient kingdom of Bavaria, who functions as the system’s Department of Defense, with most operatives at that level baited into thinking they are on track for eventual proven superiority, based on little more than being told that their seed is required to preserve the inherent Arian quality of man.

As Department of Defense for the evil principalities that control the world, Bavarian systems that track importance by heritage are employed to create and control factionalism, as if it their own science, while Austrians playing their part in Satan’s system move the security for a white males’ rights to females of at least decent genetic stock – security for a supposed right of the Arian man to take the female as property – is brought to the levels of institutionalized and organized crime, that would be suspected of coming only from the Nazi-Arian levels of white pride, which are Bavarian.

Above Austria is the bank of the system and the clearing house for the fractional reserve banking infrastructure, which is in Switzerland, and it uses the City of London as its cover because banking evil’s world requires two types ledgers – one for the sex men will have with sex slaves (types of favors require sex slaves for the men; if Switzerland is actually ordering it, get prepared for war, because that’s what shifts economic landscapes and to evil’s mind, levels the playing field) while the other ledger tracks the value of currency based on the international balances of total trade in the system. There is only one place that commands that trade sheet, and that is the Bank of International Settlements, in Switzerland.

For more reading, here’s a 5 page article on the basics of what valuates currency, causes inflation, and characterizes a bank-designed economic war against the sovereignty of nations:

To cover the whole sad truth as briefly as possible, here’s about 4 pages on the programs that drive the sex slave trade: https://anewgnosis.com/2021/05/04/the-mk-ultra-reality/

Natures in Conflict/Eyes Shut: Starlight

(An inarticulate war cry, justifications and arguments for attack.)

            Sensation the overriding liable, extorting all victims prospect, courting each angle into every collision. Petals struggle open to blossom, each stem pushed through the ground, leaning their partners into facing the dew. Playing for playmates’ sakes, wearing colors suited for mourning, and shaking off obvious company alone. Did anyone feel the clouds fear dawn, turn briefly toward another, demand silence conform response?  

(An evening flower bed brimming with morning glories.)

We know our consorts, their famished needs, fainting toward the east. Wanted these bodies under control, told these drops are not tears, afraid rain will pummel us to the ground. Vessels, once questioned, felled with their contents, spilling to the west. Without any feeling, deaf though sounds are only gusts of air, without maps, light, magnet or compass. 

(An exploding battlefield collecting spent shells, lifeless bodies.)

Time is to erase our questions, insert chaotic discussions, or we’re cursing the charcoal taste of our selves evaporating slightly with rain. Every strike softens as it lands, begs petals to ask while shimmering, each stem trembling. An unknowing, mute orchestra blessed in constant intrigue, struggling to speak. First drop deduces reprimand, second annunciates our will, then more confuses any coherent wish.

(An array of tiny pools spilling over with nectar.)

Tears are assigned to build, formed by their edges, and encouraged to drop when their departure isn’t noticed. Soil was forced apart and tilled, spines trickling thin waterfalls into pools between cracks on leaves. Wind brushes us against each other, we occasionally spasm, and are moved to weep. These feet we can’t see, roots spreading in hopes to find interaction, have us convinced the others exist. 

(An opening in the sky widens to Valhalla, itchy trigger-fingers.)

Once upon a burial, then repeated for the decay of your remains, the sky gathers our rage. Rumors fail reverie, presence is each body’s longing to collapse and lose our petals to the door. Seasons last until they become spells, fade into visions no one can recount, and are replaced by discord. Spades for emptying and filling decanters with honor, grudges hold long enough to never reconcile, our lives to yours. 

(An un-seasonal cold spell accompanied by storms.)

New chore to remove the dead, dig holes to the appropriate depth, estimate the next rainfall.

Starlight: Eyes Shut


This was posted to setup my poet’s protest, which is at the “3 Cries for Help” series of poems that follow this one. If you arrived here from elsewhere, please see the home page to know what you’re getting into, and be well.

Ethical Guidelines – 3 Cries for Help

Only in the interest of funding extended exclusively to young generations representing the current world’s owners.

In spite of the economic landscape, as steeped as it is in the denial of opportunity.

Does sex make the man.


To explain further: https://anewgnosis.com/2022/01/12/the-conversation-that-makes-the-satanist/ Further information available after the less than 3 page post. About seven total pages.

Scientific Guidelines – 3 Cries for Help

Only in the interest of funding extended exclusively to young generations representing the current world’s owners.

In spite of the economic landscape, as steeped as it is in the denial of opportunity.

Is how mass becomes matter the only question physics must answer.


To explain further: https://anewgnosis.com/2021/08/25/the-problem-of-negatives-physics-and-management-systems/

Economic Guidelines – 3 Cries for Help

Only in the interest of funding extended exclusively to young generations representing the current world’s owners.

In spite of the economic landscape, as steeped as it is in the denial of opportunity.

Is a valuation standard required for currency.


To explain further: https://anewgnosis.com/2021/04/02/how-nations-fall/ (Whole twentysomething page report on the problems of currency valuation after the poem there.)

Medical Guidelines – 3 Cries for Help

Only in the interest of funding extended exclusively to young generations representing the current world’s owners.

In spite of the economic landscape, as steeped as it is in the denial of opportunity.

Are vaccines required in the immunological response.


Here’s a brief expansion on the issues involved: https://anewgnosis.com/2020/05/14/liberals-conservatives-corporatism-vaccine-ology/

Climate Guidelines – 3 Cries for Help

Only in the interest of funding extended exclusively to young generations representing the current world’s owners.

In spite of the economic landscape, as steeped as it is in the denial of opportunity.

Is carbon dioxide the poisonous gas in our atmosphere.


Because education standards have fallen so drastically, this one could use more explanation; it is as if the fact that the carbon of carbon dioxide, produced by plants and trees in particular is being taught wrong. Sunlight degrades the carbon of the carbon dioxide, and the process releases breathable oxygen.

-As an aside, a moronic school, set to ruin knowledge of these facts are undereducated marijuana growers, who know pumping carbon dioxide into their grow ops increases yield. This is because plants sense the CO(2) as if it is being emitted by other plants, and study after study proves that plants thrive when they are at least convinced, they are around other thriving plants.

Technically it can be said then, if omitting the carbon falling in sunlight step, that plants produce oxygen, and apparently the carbon part (which has become subject to larger commercial concerns than the expanding marijuana market) may as well be obfuscated in the branding that generated phrases like “The Carbon Problem”, “Your Carbon Footprint”, or the general idea that people are damaging the environment because they too add carbon dioxide to the air when they exhale.

The rest of the issue is manmade engines in the billions producing carbon monoxide (CO – not a popular comment, but science deals with fact). Each particle of carbon monoxide has its carbon degraded in sunlight, it leaves a single atom of oxygen, but it and its carbon come from oil burn and petroleum-running engines. The carbon is dirty, and the single oxygen atoms sticky enough to steal O(2) from the air, and form ozone, or O(3), that hovers above every populated-enough city, causing warming, because the planet constantly absorbs heat energy from the sun and releases it into the air – this is why on hot days in hot climates especially, it may feel nearly as warm as day in the couple of hours after the sun sets – this heat is rising at all times, and it hits the population centers’ manmade ozone layers, which reflect it back to the Earth.

That’s heat energy, and by any standard of the unadulterated biosphere, it would rise into far cooler expanses of the upper atmosphere, basically preventing the planet from freezing from the top of its air downward.

So, the question becomes, where is the interest-related funding?

Is it the trees and plants, themselves?

Or is it the oil and automotive industry, when it is documented that the latter used false science to delay the inclusion of the catalytic converter (CO-reducing technology) in the requirements for car production, for right about 40 years?

From a New Gnostic Work

About 7 total pages. Section is from the opening of the second part of the conceptual presentation / novel called [White Elephant Sale]. To provide context, this piece begins with a small bit from the opening of the first project. This is all just formatted as a blog post. Enjoy.

Statement of Warning T

            Knowledge of the unified field in the hands of people who account for gravity, sentience, and the intent of sentience without classifying the behavior of sentience as right or wrong compels us to this work. Following text is an unflinching account of people struggling to define:

What exactly is going on; who is in control?

How far have the ones in charge gone with Physics?

What are their plans? And,

What can be done about it?

It is unfit for all ages, making direct display of how bad things literally could be while developing a narrative to provide a composited “big picture” appraisal that, fitting the tone, must be covertly communicated and shared exclusively among concerned parties. Asking to know what impact these full implications, the facts beyond measure have, and expecting to be taken by the hand and coddled into understanding is a delusion readers must abandon.

With steadfast refusal to assess the nature and scope of the problem – what with everyone citing needs of personal lives and their interests – we have arrived here, the untenable position.      

(Decuun is pronounced Dee – Koon) -Start of [white elephant sale]2y

Decuun Processing Conduit Readout

Type: Neurological Display

Class: Intelligent by Design

          Images & Libelous Content :

          All visual signal through brown to umber fields first develops children at playground – and at fault biologically proven in signal – children somehow hidden in darkness, in crawling positions, sudden picture infant [not naked].

Then boys and girls old enough and tall enough to ride the public park merry-go-round, trapped on hands and knees under its spinning metal platform, moving fast enough to move the dark air above them, shadow air swirling across the backs of children moving close to ground, somehow ducking in crawl, inching under the veracity of the increasing speeding spin of the metal ceiling, in deep black without light, sudden picture of a tower overtaking the horizon (rectangle monolith – more grey than black).

Boys and girls ducking under moving air in darkness over them, air moving hidden in dark particle light, falling and turning under the metal spinning merry-go-round ceiling [ideal of monstrosity] unseen children in low crawl moving toward where the ride is fixed to the Earth. To maybe find silence in its noise and violent sun-drenched metal spinning above, providing its own source of heat, showering in waves down on the backs of boy and girl heads, sudden addition of enough light to make them out, sudden image of bright heating orange overtaking metal walls through tempered glass.

Prognosis: Pathways tapped were aligned more to biochemical activity than the neurological drivers biological current can source. Subject not parent, has had less than ten relationships in their life, and is clearly set in the mode of tasking their own brains with matters with which they have no responsible concern.

Case Closed and Archived: *-

Processing Conduit Readouts – The voice within the masses that corporations and constitutionally elected governments have every right to serve is now heard. Brought to you by Decuun.


Statement of Warning Q

            The directing and assembling of all people into one lived amalgam of the subject and servant class no matter the integrity of the individual, using unseen, unconscious and subconscious forces, to the end of making the owners of the systems of governance godlike lords among peasants is treason.

Decuun Processing Conduit Readout

Type: Integrated Cognitive and Physical Display

Class: Intelligent by Design

          Images & Libelous Content :

Visual signal develops to one internal visage rendered in fragments of focus; looking downward to the right to a phone screen, ghostly white light pales her forearm at the wrist, suddenly against the backdrop of nighttime car interior [superimposed glow of alone].

She awakes hours later.

          Peripherals recorded in signal reflected through plaster surfacing off the sheet metal framing of the entrance to the dining hall:

She is in sweats without makeup [inattentive but reminiscent of bed] she nearly shuffles her feet as she crosses the open room and she looks up in glances to where windows meet high ceilings (abiding underserved aspirations and unsustainable goals).

Prognosis: Subject is on the other side of years spent missing social cues that are only conveyed with nonverbal communications. Their life will be lived in a coed world with no valid identification to their sex other than their bodies.

          Case Closed and Archived: +”


1(4) Catastrophic Exposure

            Billable conclusions precipitate organizational fronts, the self-cutting population is somehow needed to offset the public’s release of commercial demons – always travelling in secret in sheets of an inner skin through the listener and assimilating the viewer with certainty – or treasuries are allocated to budget only after they accord to Decuun bylaws, that grant fifty percent of what is brought in through congressional graft to every constitutionally elected official, that is to be paid out over the course of their careers in service – good morning, I knew you whispers empty-head sex slave – only after the legislative proceeds from each bill make it into a general slush fund – you should have switched her into compulsory, Sir – no one gets their hands dirty – now someone is going to pay for that and no one gets their hands dirty.

It’s best you vacate the premises, Sir.

            My country in thin fabric suits of the finest wool – flanked by rail thin cohorts of sexual drive – move policy in pants – because where a bill starts is sacred – after all, the blood spills – children ought to learn that early and constrict with the trends – not against them – in rotundas and under domes – with 5000-dollar shoes on marble.

            Inside the rot of teeth my country tis of thee for whom – for them, fortified with intelligence – for one hundred forty royal-sanctioned landowners packed into a barn to begin a new measured promise – Lucifer and Satan in congress in silver with gold running in strands through its artifice – in late 18th century candle and torch light, in romance with the new and upcoming iron; that advanced – but it was the birth of a country, uniting in quiet torrid modalities the u and the s, united for the Arian sanguine.

            Bavaria is their front. Their lords of darkness churning black death rotting with special interest so long it carbonized flesh, stretching endless between what seem like invisible columns spinning in place, through its own world, apart from the haunted corridor dominance by the US of the Arian for the states united to detriment, forced Bavarian dependence for all time – voice of a civilization turn on the ovens – and its sexy grueling death scenes, a dark room lit by one bulb whose girls naked tortured beg and scream into thick shadow to men off camera – the onyx bones through the Earth Bavarian infrastructure – the sounds of gunshot – for all age – world concealing the invisible spools stretching rotting fields of putrid flesh taut in torture, twisted from skeletons in one complete tear, one brutal turn somehow comported their awareness with the flesh of their bodies absent structure into terrifying strewn-out anguish.

            They were people but they’re empty demons now gone. There would come to be fifty states, what with five meaning death and every zero a way in – Decuun archival system decoded – United States of America forces separate the skin from the internal content. White American backbone isolated the agency of performance in the citizen’s solid jelly filling and arranged it, now foreign hands maneuver.

Spontaneous needs to augment per case will be constant, and language inherent in legislative process prohibits open target civilian. It will forever boil down to seasons in session.

            Vision is of the eyes – but through a secret method strewn – because of two fingers on the five-year old’s head – noted – sight retards outward in thin plasma strings, white cornea and strands of vibrant blue iris threads through the broken surface of the black pupil, pushing miniscule deep night columns invisibly outward into air – pupil surfaces break in protrusions – physical and unknown to common man – sight travels its own corridors – through the interiors of dark town-cars – arriving at plain house brothels – blame it on the navigation – we brought the chip manufacturing home – praise in lingerie. 

Chaos demands form, form informs chaos structured into prefabrications, amassed of all substance – en toto – nothing primordial, everything beyond comprehension sustaining the limited view. Group has decoded a cryptex inside the Nova Express trilogy by William S. Burroughs. Agreed upon in silence, a type of quiet built from moments of misplaced awe, nothing of true magnitude, what the crowd deems appropriate, standing out is lonely. Group recognizes low likelihood the codes will be believed. Submitting that man is forced into a collective that interprets each person at three constructed levels of a forced-upon psyche, both Williams and Burroughs technically did not have to know they were writing a code – it would serve as evidence for what Group leaders have called the Eternal promise. Outside in a hurricane, built forth from torrential upheavals quieted to physicality, the constant demand to be engaged marginalized like a young green leaf freshly ripped from a tree battered into rocks of the tide break, every calculation articulates the plea, the broken, prostrated beg,

“Please, leave us the bay.”

“Your invitation, please”

Inside the reception hall everyone’s pockets are empty, and in the coat check, all the pockets empty, except for tips to the valet, controlled convulsions on display, their every motion, every interest, the donned importance inside their laughter, and uneasiness in each hand extended to prospective partners. As the Burroughs code is completely presented at its conclusion in the third book of the trilogy, The Ticket that Exploded, only portions of this section of the code will be communicated. Worn down corridors of flesh throughways inside arms, carrying electric signals of such duration the toll of repetitive usage dries out the fibers, what an easy smile, what a somber jest, give me reason, commission a newborn’s purpose. Burroughs makes it clear the reader should note commas in sections throughout the work, by writing several lines one after another that clearly omit commas. A coordination of focal, directed bodily seizures accounts for all this, it is the world of the distinguished, in these everyone’s included but not invited, creating the separations, the unacknowledged chasms of difficult to reconcile shortcomings in the chests of the unacknowledged, breaking men to wails upon their gale force dismissal.

It’s not easily noticed, whole being accommodated to subroutines of conformity, lost to its application spread throughout the crowd, each awaits their contribution’s recognition, it’s as easily ignored as a raging ocean twenty feet from double-paned glass. Before continuing, background on the source of the code is assumed to be that of an outcast scion who descended from the relative wealth of the Burroughs typewriter company. As no confirmation of this can be found and it is customary to fabricate the upbringings of people who bring creative content to market, no further comment on his upbringing is needed. Hits like low grumbling echoes of windows forced to reverberate, the pressure braced and dispersed through glass, those waves carry wind to the edifices, these guests, too loud to hear the portend, this wind and all its concerted effort carries water toward the hushed, mumbling attendants, the toast about to begin.

“We didn’t work long for this, but we worked hard.”

Tears well among the throng of well-dressed sycophants shifting in their gowns, women adorn the brightest shining men, stepping boldly with hollow legs, top heavy, brain heavy, secretly affirming self-worth through exchanged nods and glares. As having access to the market at the levels Burroughs achieved secretly always ties back to Satanism and, as it is recognized that involvement in Satanism is not chosen in those who are born into it – it is not chosen by most of the talent the industry discovers – as much as it is forced, many sections of the Burroughs code would seem to indicate that he secretly harbors hopes that someone or some force outside the machine of Satansist-owned commerce is actively intervening on the behalf of general decency. Chills sink into the space each body occupies, sliding into them, entering through gaps between their cells, outside storm temperatures coming to ground in elongated forms of low-pressure cold air nestling into their spines. Decuun marches on and there is no evidence that Burroughs’ pleas for aid, if that’s what they were, have ever been heeded.

Worth is measured quarterly in every hollow individual, only made whole through common definition, solid forms built solely through passive concord, unspoken agreements pushing poses and encouraging wind tunnels overtake their optic nerves. Following the code established by omitted commas, on page ten is the line “You attempted to be God that is to intervene and failed utterly . . .” italicized word in the original. The sky isn’t hiding stars. Nazis are known to spread the belief that the Arian man is God, taking this with the nihilism common to soldiers in Nazi ranks – which foreign intelligence previously assigned as meeting internal needs to psychologically place the horrors they were expected to commit – it is likely Nazi science itself has at its main tenet, that because all of physics is manipulated to the Arian’s favor, the Nazi scientist can make man God. They’re swallowed in the light the guests have acclimated to, with its invisible ceiling blending into opaque atmosphere, unseen blackness hovering intermingled in cloud.

Unheard raindrops ping on an atrium ceiling, underneath it all, the scene and its attendants forced into their custom compartments, the shell game, hope you find a filled-out suit instead of a solid specter, hope there’s warmth in shared proximity. Nazism has been proven to be a cover. Its leadership are Satanists and from their view, Nazism itself (was) a sex and death cult. Not this nagging sense you’re riding atop a rushing current, clinging for dear life through violent rapids, need to keep smiling, complimenting accessory choices, want the position furthest from the windows, if you’re too close their deep growl is guttural, physical, and it detracts from the toastmaster. The Burroughs code would suggest that Nazis were then and have always been Satanists in reserve, existing as an intra-dimensional para military force. In total sense, in absolutes realized in the throes of death, all storms are orchestrated by the continent-sized eye of a perpetual hurricane at the earth’s pole, perchance to glimpse the monstrosity upon your release, the hidden hope something will welcome you upon exit.

            Universal head chieftain adjures over oval offices and their minions, clawing at blazers to expose silk lining, but only in dreams because it doesn’t fit the decorum, the phantom cardboard partitions dictating behavior, making the enforced silence palatable, the professional diligent acceptance. Para military as operating under contained skies filled with stolen atmosphere, unseen and seventy-two degrees at all times, air conditioned, clouds stolen for their hydrogen and oxygen, to make realms where pretty blonde boys all grown up can play with machines to intra-dimensional affect. Practicing submission and glorifying ascendancy, pretending to listen while waiting for the current patron’s arrival, the real head of the line, the bonafide feedbag attendant. Intra dimensional means through dimensions, inter dimensional means two or more separate dimensions that may interact; it does not mean they do.

Two rooms, one on Earth we could all walk into, one in its own dimension; we say inter dimensional to account for the two positions. Where the schedules are made, out of more circular offices, the one storm’s eye swirling the ground of all air, hoping enough gets stolen from lungs, plotting enough cause for decay so newer, less substantial and ever subservient eyes build. If the word intra-dimensional is used, it indicates dynamics as they are arranged in one dimension are pushing in some way into another dimension – because the two dimensions are linked to impact one another. Electric ghosts project through flesh as they substantiate gradually over every interface with any multimedia device, through silent signals riding soft static, form informs chaos fallen into place along nerves embedded in flesh, see the glowing electric blue washed into a faint white medium leaning out of the torsos of every citizen.  

The living ghosts, it’s more than metaphor, it’s the applied mechanics of an unknown science, it is calculated metaphysics accomplished for far more than monetary profit. An interpretation lending itself to a global view of how a life in Satanism is lived, is found in the Burroughs code by following exclusively the italicized words on pages leading up to page ten: bottom of page 8 repeated, “This is a weapon . . an enemy weapon”; on page nine, again, only words in italics on the whole page and clearly befitting the context, esprit de corps, which is taken to mean comradery, on page ten, first words in italics are non-organization, and the next italicized word on that page is intervene. Keep them corralled, force their smiles, time, order, file their protracted death, prognosticate on how much the ruling class can earn in the duration, bet the futures market, amortize interest on the loans people secured to secure their graves.

[“First pages-addenda”] %-

DoWn By ThE sHoReS oF tHe ShAnKy BaNkY

wHeRe ThE bUlLfRoGs JuMp FrOm AcHe To LaNkY


Sprinkle Shakedown

Ha, you thought you’d get me- Heh-heh, you thought you’d get me

Your overcoats and badges don’t make you monsters

You can’t push me. I won’t move.


Bibliography (for both books): Williams, William Carlos. The Embodiment of Knowledge. New York: New Directions Publishing Corporation, 1974. Print.

Burroughs, S. William. The Ticket that Exploded. New York: Grove Press, 1992. Print.

If you’d like to consider purchasing the first novel, it is $6 per download, with unlimited prints, and there is one picture included that is not the cover. Following link takes you to the book in the cart, because that one features the cover and a one sentence description. Note: were this book to hit the general market, its style would be received as something akin to what W.S. Burroughs did in his Nova Express Trilogy. For example, though I am its one author, its content is written by ‘the group’. Second download here: https://anewgnosis.com/shop/